Prayer & Formation

Small Group Discipleship Formation
We invite all parishioners beyond college age to seek deeper interior conversion and to help build a more vibrant community of intentional disciples of Christ. Fostering meaningful friendship through weekly or bi-weekly meetings, groups vary based on targeted demographic (age/gender specific, couples, or completely open) and formational content (Scripture study, spiritual classics, Disciple Quad program, etc.). All groups encourage each member's participation in the universal call to holiness and in the apostolic nature of the Church, as well as foster greater connectedness and stewardship to the wider St. Paul's Parish community. If you are interested in joining or learning more, please fill out the form linked below and introduce yourself to a priest after Mass.
Service & Outreach

Liturgical Ministries
We are always seeking lectors, altar servers (both youth and adults), extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion and ushers to help make our Sunday liturgies reverent, well-ordered and inviting. We will provide training on an individual basis for new volunteers or a "refresher" for others who are experienced. Contact: Judy Beatrice judybeatrice1@comcast.net.

Coffee & Conversation
Join us for fellowship every Sunday following the 7:30am and 11am Masses in Mary's Room (Room 202 by the elevator on the 2nd floor). Stop by any week to meet new people, connect with friends and enjoy a snack and refreshment.

Meditations Before Mass
Join us each Sunday at 10:30am to prayerfully read and discuss a short selection from one of Romano Guardini's writings. A great way to prepare the heart and mind for the 11am Mass! Each reading stands on its own, so come whenever you can. Held in the Bishop Boles Conference Room on the 2nd floor of the Parish Center

Parish Choir
Parishioners of all ages sing a wide repertoire of sacred music for the 9:30am Mass each Sunday, led by Associate Director of Music, Brandon Straub. Please see the music page for more info. College and graduate students: consider joining the Harvard Catholic Schola, which provides music for the 5pm "Student Mass" on Sundays. See the HCC music page for more info. Click buttons below for more information.

Food Pantry
Open every Saturday, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM, lower church (enter through the door under the bridge in the courtyard). Everyone is welcome - you do not need to complete paperwork or show ID. We distribute bags of fresh produce, bread, and desserts, as well as eggs, dairy, meat, and other items when they are available. The food is rescued by Food Link and Food for Free so options vary from one week to the next. In addition, everyone can select two items from the pantry each week. We rely on the generosity of parishioners and neighbors to keep the shelves stocked. Items in highest demand include coffee, tea, crackers, nuts, cooking oil, almond and other non-dairy milk, canned and dried fruit, cereal, granola/cereal bars, and condiments (mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.). Donations may be left in the church vestibule when the church is open for Masses, in the lower church when the pantry is open, or in the parish office during business hours. Prospective volunteers must complete Protecting God's Children training and a CORI check. Contact: Tara Lauriat tll7997@yahoo.com

Community Advent & Lenten Lunches
Every Wednesday during Advent and Lent after the 12:10pm Mass, we prepare and serve home-cooked meals for our homeless and others in the community, including parishioners who are welcome to join our guests. Volunteers are needed to prepare food at home (main dishes and vegetables) and bring juices, fresh fruits, desserts and sandwiches. Volunteers are also needed to help prepare, set up, serve and clean. Contact: Mercedes Evans msevans208@hotmail.com, 617-492-7047 Carol Menkiti bosejo22@gmail.com, 617-666-2855

Homebound Ministry
St. Paul's Parish extends its ministry to those who are sick and homebound. Volunteers make phone calls and visits to those who are missing the fellowship of our parish community. Please inquiry to request a visit or to volunteer. Contact: Joseph Nemec: 512-913-3318 jtnemec@gmail.com

Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings take place on Monday nights in the lower Church starting at 7pm. Doors open at 6pm.

Caring for the Soul
We support and encourage those whose lives have been affected by mental illness by drawing upon prayer and Catholic spirituality as positive resources in our lives and the lives of those we love, and working to make our religious communities places of compassion, healing and acceptance. We welcome all those who have family members, friends or loved ones affected by mental illness, those who are living with mental illness themselves, as well as professionals in the field. Led by Dr. Nancy Kehoe RSCJ, who is affiliated with Harvard Medical School and author of Wrestling with Our Inner Angels, we meet the first Monday of every month, from 5:30 to 7pm in Mary's Room. Contact: Laura Garcia, laura.lee.garcia517@gmail.com, 617- 999-4037 Carol Menkiti, bosejo222@yahoo.com, 617-666-2855 Theresa Poirier, tma.poir62@gmail.com, 603-532-8643

Sister Parish
Through the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation, St. Paul’s Parish established a relationship with Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Parish in Beit Sahour, Palestine, in order to spiritually and emotionally support our Christian brothers and sisters, the “living stones” who live in the Holy Land. The HCEF has many innovative programs designed to encourage Christians to continue to witness to our Christian faith in the land where Jesus lived, died and rose again, and supports families and children’s education through the Latin Patriarchate in Jerusalem. Contact: Dorothy C. Buck dorothy@dcbuck.com 781-395-4391

Centering Prayer
All are welcome to join us Thursday evenings in practicing Fr. Thomas Keating’s method of “Centering Prayer.” Prayer meetings include readings – sometimes Lectio Divina – or videos followed by discussion and concluding with Centering Prayer. Contact: Janice Chang or Susan Dougherty stpaulcentering@gmail.com

Monday Prayer Group
Immediately after the Monday 12:10 PM Mass, we meet to re-read and meditate on the scripture passages from that day’s Mass. After a time of meditation, we share our understanding of the passages. We are enriched by each person’s insights and often share ways in which we have experienced grace in our lives. Contact: Mary Alice Stanton, mastanton3@verizon.net

Badaliya Prayer Group
Please join our interfaith prayer for peace with justice throughout the world, especially in the Holy Land. We meet on the third Sunday of every Month in the Chapel of the Women Doctors. *Currently being held virtually. See contact below for a Zoom link. For more information about the founding and history of Badaliya, visit dcbuck.com/Badaliya Contact: Dorothy C. Buck, dorothy@dcbuck.com, 781-395-4391